Kerfala, why do you work in the field of child protection?

Kerfala Camara

Kerfala Camara, responsible for pedagogy and child protection Mamadou & Bineta allowed me to get to know my country and discover the socio-economic realities of the community. To contribute to my country through humanitarian actions is an immense recognition. I am proud to belong to the generation of Young Guineans who are ready to face the challenge of progress…

Djenabou, why do you like working for Mamadou & Bineta?

Djenabou Sow, nursery-teacher at the Mamadou & Bineta reception centre I chose this organisation for a reason, because it works with children in vulnerable situations and gives them hope, a climate of trust, love, safety and above all, listening. My job is to support children in their development during their stay in our reception centre in Mangueta. What I…

Ismael, how do you feel about being part of MB?

What is your position at Mamadou & Bineta and why do you like working for MB?Mamadou & Bineta’s goals and values in the field of child protection have led me to work here. In this way, I can contribute in a very concrete way to the development of our country. Already as a teenager, I loved driving trucks. As…

Manamba, what is your focus?

Manamba Kourouma, nursery-teacher at the Mamadou & Bineta reception centreSince my childhood I have had a passion for children. They show us a whole different, wonderful world. I love my job as a nursery-teacher. It remains my golden profession because it allows me to accompany the children I care for in every important step they take. I am a…

Annual Review 2021

Here you’ll find our annual review 2021 (only available in German and French). In case you would like to receive a printed issue, just write us an email (info (at)

New website

September 2021. Ajila, Sursee, has supported us free of charge with the maintenance of our website for many years. Unfortunately, the operating system has now been discontinued. We thank Ajila for the long loyalty to Mamadou & Bineta. A media designer friend and our board member Deborah Müller volunteered to set up and redesign the new page for us…

Partnership with the Thai Box Federation Guinea

May 30, 2021. The collaboration came about because Nina continued her training she started in Switzerland. She found out that Souleymane Sidibé was constantly training 15 young men in upholstery as well as sports. In the meantime, several promising projects have resulted from the friendship: Once a week, Sidibé and his colleagues train interested children at our reception center…

Interested friends visited Guinea (January 2020)

In January 2020 – before the beginning of the pandemic – we had a visit from interested friends and donors: Marion Gabathuler, Dr. med. Benedikt Frei and Iris Bärtsch were accompanied by our board member Jürg Sonderegger. An essential part of the journey was the exchange with our partner, Dr. Keita, who runs the extremely poor infirmary in a…

Thanks to all at GEOINFO who love coffee!

January 2019. A great message reached us last week. Employees of GEOINFO, Herisau, each pay one franc per cup of coffee into a donation fund. The proceeds are distributed annually to charitable institutions. All employees can submit appropriate nominations. Subsequently, a vote is made, with a coffee cup corresponding to one vote. This year a total of twelve institutions were…