Ruth Schindler is an experienced medical specialist. She has offered to to set up a hospital room and train our employees in simple medical medical diagnoses and treatments. Ruth traveled to Guinea at her own expense for two weeks in Guinea. We would like to thank Ruth for the well-prepared and successful visit and for the wonderful feedback after her return:
In autumn 2023, I was able to help in the reception center of Mamadou & Bineta to set up a sick room.
Hawa, a loyal employee and experienced nurse, can now also provide medical care for the children with this basic equipment.
I experienced a highly motivated team in Guinea. Mohamed is well connected locally and so everything necessary for the hospital room could have been organized within a short time. In Guinea, this is usually a real challenge.
The children are lovingly accompanied and learn a lot for their future lives. There is a relaxed, cheerful atmosphere. There is playing, laughing, dancing, learning, working. Everyone helps.
The work done by the local staff is very demanding. Mamadou & Bineta is a small, fine Swiss aid organization that offers many children in Guinea and also the employees of MB a decisive, life-changing opportunity.I can warmly recommend supporting them.