We support child protection representatives in two out of five districts of the capital Conakry as well as in all districts in the neighbouring Greater Coyah.
After their training, we assist them in their daily work in an advisory or supportive capacity. It has been shown that they usually respond seriously and successfully to reports of children at risk. They are able to intervene quickly, purposefully and effectively. If the problems are complex, we accompany them in their discussions and clarifications with the affected children and relatives and support the protection measures.
In more than 90% of all cases, the child protection representatives (alone or with our support) succeed in stabilising the children and their environment. The child remains in the family and is accompanied there for as long as necessary. Only if the problems cannot be solved in the familiar social environment despite all efforts, do we apply to the authorities for temporary admission to our reception centre.
We have developed a manual describing how to identify children in need and what measures to take to solve the problems in the children’s social environment.