Since 2006 we have been continuously analyzing the social, cultural and economic conditions in Guinea. These include the causes and risk factors of poverty and the plight of children. Today we are able to provide needs-based and sustainable assistance.
All our activities are carried out in cooperation with the population and the public authorities. Together with local aid organisations and the governmental Child Protection Representatives we look after children on the street, at their relatives and in our reception centre in Mangueta. We provide a safe environment and school education. For several years, we have trained the staff of the governmental Child Protection authorities (Conseils Locaux pour Enfants et Familles, CLEF) and supported them in their daily interventions in an advisory or accompanying manner.
In 2015, in cooperation with the state, we have set up new councils and commissions (with representatives of the population and authorities) that support the existing structures. Their employees as well as numerous interested private persons are trained by us and supported in their work advisorily as well as collaterally.
Help must start early if a child has no safe environment and no schooling. The existing authority can not handle the many problems on its ow n because there is a lack of resources and trained staff.
Therefore, these measures are important for a long-term development of assistance, which should come from within and not from abroad. Often it is people from the population who identify and report threatened children. They and the Child Protection Officers should be supported so that they can one day fulfill their responsibilities independently.
Under the menu item projects you’ll find further information.