Based on our experience to date, it is crucial that we remain politically and financially independent. Only in this way can we avoid corruption and ensure that every franc really benefits the children and families in need.
Our annual budget (not including investments in infrastructure) is about CHF 60,000, and we need to finance these running costs in order to continue to provide direct aid to over 500 children and to maintain more than 20 jobs in Guinea (through which numerous family members and relatives benefit). Through consistent purchasing from local retailers as well as artisans, we support additional jobs.
For further, new projects and partnerships as well as the maintenance and expansion of the infrastructure we add about CHF 20’000 per year. In the medium to long term, such investments also make sense because they can contribute to self-financing.
Donation account Switzerland:
Post – Konto 85-573078-3
IBAN: – CH09 0900 0000 8557 3078 3

Donate via PayPal:
Feel free to send us your donation via PayPal, but we have to inform you that there are fees that are deducted directly by PayPal from your donation. However, you can increase the donation amount by this fee, so that we do not incur these costs. To donate via PayPal, please click on the yellow donation button.

Donate via TWINT:
Scan QR code with the TWINT app and confirm amount / donation. There are also fees for a donation with TWINT. However, one can also increase the donation amount by this fee with TWINT, so that these costs do not arise for us.
Donations from abroad:
Association Mamadou et Bineta,
CH-9036 Grub SG
Bank: Credit Suisse AG, Zug
IBAN: CH53 0483 5188 8119 3100 0
Everything that Mamadou & Bineta has realized so far has been financed by the members of the association, who work for free, with the help of their families and acquaintances as well as a few Swiss foundations and companies. Until we can generate income on site, we are dependent on every contribution.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us in any way over the past years.
Again and again young people in schools as well as adults at festive occasions, e.g. birthdays, report about Mamadou & Bineta and collect donations. We are happy about such nice initiatives and are very grateful for them.
Mamadou & Bineta is recognized as a non-profit association in Switzerland.