For someone who just has to press a button to regulate heating or lighting, lack of electricity is unimaginable. On our site in Guinea means a little power but so much more than just to have light. Electricity is needed to train young people in crafts and improve the hygiene (food refrigeration) and the security situation (lightning).
In December 2012, our first building was equipped with solar panels. At the back of the house is the secured room with the technology and the batteries. At the same time, a closed mobile system for the use of solar energy was developed. Both systems have been extensively tested and our staff trained to keep the equipment running as long and safely as possible.
All this was only possible thanks to generous financial and advisory support from:
Helion Solar Ost AG, Herisauer-Strasse 70, 9015 St. Gallen
Säntis Batterien J. Göldi AG, Kamorstr. 17, 9464 Rüthi SG
Kreis Wasser AG, Moosstrasse 52, 9014 St. Gallen
J. F. Tichit, Cerutti-Experts, Paris
In 2020, we again received numerous panels and batteries, which have all been installed in the meantime.
This makes our work in the sewing studio, in security (lighting of the grounds) and in school operations much easier.