Info Bulletin No. 37 (December 2024)
Here you’ll find our Info Bulletin No. 37 as pdf.
Here you’ll find our Info Bulletin No. 37 as pdf.
In October, it was time to say goodbye to the children, who returned to their families after 10-12 intensive months at our center and started their school journey. Despite saying goodbye, the children are beaming with joy, as they have developed strength and self-confidence over the past few months and are looking forward to school. We are proud of…
Here you’ll find our Info Bulletin No. 36 as pdf in German.
Ruth Schindler is an experienced medical specialist. She has offered to to set up a hospital room and train our employees in simple medical medical diagnoses and treatments. Ruth traveled to Guinea at her own expense for two weeks in Guinea. We would like to thank Ruth for the well-prepared and successful visit and for the wonderful feedback after…
Every now and then, our children are invited on a little tour. Last sunday, they had the joy to be on some old carousels in a park in Conakry. For the children, such moments are unique and formative. We are happy and grateful.
Here you’ll find our Info Bulletin No. 35 and our annual review 2023 (only available in German and French).
The children stay in the reception center for a maximum of twelve months. The subsequent reintegration into local, family structures is central for us. This process requires a careful approach and is very intensive. The only thing that matters is the well-being of the child. In October, we handed 31 children back to their families and accompanied their entry…
Here you’ll find our Info Bulletin No. 34 as pdf in German.
Hawa Camara, nursery-teacher at the Mamadou & Bineta reception centre in Mangueta What is your function? I work as an educator and I like working here because MB helps children in difficulty. I am a mother myself and it is natural for me to care for children in need. How do you feel part of the MB family? I…
Here you’ll find our Info Bulletin No. 33 and our annual review 2022 (only available in German and French).
Mamadou & Bineta
p. A. Reto Wick
Fürschwendi 387
CH 9036 Grub SG
Telefon: +41 (0)79 292 97 40
E-Mail: info(at)