Month of the Child

June 19, 2021. This year, we again used the official Month of the Child as an opportunity to invite guests from politics and business, representatives of the authorities as well as influential locals to a festive event at our reception center and to promote the importance of child protection and our work. We prepared the event together with the…

Mamadou & Bineta’s youngest team member

On October 29, our youngest Mamadou & Bineta team member was born: Alasory Touré, a healthy little boy. The happy parents: our coordinator Kémoko and his wife Hassafan. We wish them both a lot of strength for their big responsibility, and the little Alasory good start into life.

Open day at the reception center

With many children and guests we celebrated an open day in Mangueta on August 25, 2017. Invited were the local child protection officers, representatives of the authorities, our partner organizations and other people who support the work of Mamadou & Bineta on site. In addition to a tour of the infrastructure (including the newly opened sewing workshop), the children…

Opening of our Sewing Atelier in April 2017

Despite temporary support, female adolescents without education have a hard time not to slip into dependence with often serious consequences. It has always been part of our strategy to offer especially girls vocational training in addition, to help them start their own lives. A sewing atelier is obvious, because most people in Guinea wear self-made clothes. We brought five ancient, manually…

Informationsveranstaltung in St. Gallen

Wir möchten auch in diesem Jahr gerne alle, die uns so grosszügig unterstützen sowie all jene, die gern mehr über unsere Arbeit in Guinea erfahren möchten, zu einer Informationsveranstaltung einladen. Diese findet am Sonntag, 18. September 2016 im Pfarrei-Saal Heiligkreuz an der Federerstrasse 12, 9008 St. Gallen, statt. Es wäre uns geholfen, wenn Ihr uns per Email oder…

Samstag, 16. April 2016 – Kinderkonzert mit Bruno Hächler

Wir haben uns riesig gefreut, dass die Gemeinde Aeugst am Albis am 16. April 2016 ein Benefiz – Kinderkonzert mit dem lieben Bruno Hächler und seiner tollen Band veranstaltet hat. Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei Sandra, Andi und Bruno für das wunderbare Konzert. Ein grosses Danke natürlich auch an Peter und seine Helfer für die tolle Organisation sowie…